Electronic Δp-Manometer with two relay outputs for ALARM switching points, an adjustable Δp-damping and an analogue output. Usable for liquid medias and gases.
Examples: air conditioning, refrigerating plants, filter monitoring, industry, etc.
At the pressure connections, the differential pressure (+ P1↑ and P2↓ -), the positive pressure (+ P1↑) or the negative pressure (P2↓ -) are measured and indicated by the display.
Two switching points, which act on two output relays, are used to give an alarm if the actual pressure value falls below or exceeds the switching points. This is indicated by the LEDs OUT1 and OUT2.
For fluid applications with existing pressure fluctuations, the built-in adjustable electronic Δp damping of the switching points and the display is a necessary functional advantage. An analogue output 0 - 10 V, 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA is available as pressure proportional output signal for process control.